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In the beginning of this course I thought it will be easy task to move forward with my career. It is alot of steps to take within each program but I do appreciate the time that instructor Peterson utilize to teach each student. Little did I know computer graphics is used in our everyday lives such as: magazines, movie posters, newspapers, album cover etc. From this course I can utilize what I’ve learned from Professor Peterson on how to identify when photoshop is used on magazines cover to make people or even things appear the way people want them to be portray as. Throughout this course I never knew how important each detail to each program can enhance another with the intergration of the program for example: illustrator and  photoshop. Even though, I have experience many obstacles in this course it helped me not to give up and work harder so that each assignment decently executed. I’ve enjoyed each class session with my fellow classmates. Although, during some assignments I found alot of people don’t enjoy class participation I try my best to make the best during this time so we call can have fun. Withinthe time that I spent in this class I wish I had more time to become an expert. During the upcoming fall semester I have consider to take another computer graphics class because I enjoyed this course alot more than I thought.
I’ve enjoyed the time that I spent in this course, I’m looking forward to taking more intreresting courses as such as this one.

Project Five (5)

Create our own movie poster


Think like a Man

My favorite is “Think like a man” I like the bright colors that was used. My least favorite ” Hunger Games” the lack of color speak volume of a dark movie film

Presidential RACE Posters

This is interesting on how were creating our own posters for presidency of some sort, I’m have issues on how my finalized copy on how its going to turn out. This is what I have so far tell me what you think.


Presidential Campaign Photo show n tell

Kennedy campaign


Background Swirl

The assignment for this was very easy if I would like to create my own bo0kmark or desktop I will use this assignment as a guide to create an over the top image in which people think I use multiple layers…. Thanks for the first short-cut Professor Peterson :  )

This assignment was a little difficult beings  though I kept creating the image with two mouths and four eyes. But for the most part I will get this done by Friday.. Wish me luck ❤ This assignment will show me how to fix my image in the near future : )